Position Details

Lafayette College has successfully appointed Dr. Laura McGrane as its next Provost. Dr. McGrane will join Lafayette College on July 1st. Since 2021, Dr. McGrane has served as the Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives at Haverford College. In this role, she led successful college-wide strategic planning and multidisciplinary initiatives, while also overseeing a number of institutional grants and enrollment studies. Since 2002, she has been a faculty member in Haverford’s English department, serving as chair of the department from 2015-18. Her teaching and scholarship explore print culture, digital media, and the history of the book. Her work in liberal arts as both disciplinary and interdisciplinary practice explores alliances between a rich arts & sciences curriculum, experiential opportunities, and hands-on learning. From 2014-21, Dr. McGrane served as the founding director of Haverford’s Visual Culture Arts and Media, a creative hub for students, faculty, staff, and the wider Haverford community. From 2012-15, she served as the Koshland Director of Haverford’s Hurford Center for the Arts & Humanities. Dr. McGrane gained additional administrative experience working in the Office of the President at William & Mary as a Fellow of the American Council on Education throughout the 2021-22 academic year. While at William & Mary, she focused on inclusive and shared college governance, fellowships, and university-wide strategic planning. Dr. McGrane earned her B.A. in English and American literature from the College of Saint Benedict, as well as a B.A. in English language and literature and the M.S. in comparative/international education from the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. She earned her Ph.D. in English and American literature from Stanford University. Read more.