AGB Search has conducted 1,435+ searches in the U.S. and internationally. We work with institutions to develop a thorough understanding of their needs and culture, which is critical in identifying the strongest pool of leadership candidates. Our proven process and commitment to success make us the right partner for our clients.
AGB Search partners with public and private colleges and universities, university systems, and related associations and foundations. We serve clients with student enrollments from under 500 to more than 90,000, and with budgets of less than $20 million to more than $1.5 billion.
Our expert search team has conducted successful searches for all levels of senior leadership positions, including: Presidents/Chancellors, Provosts and Deans, Research Leadership, Chief Information Officers/Chief Technology Officers Chief Financial Officers, and Vice Presidents for Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Human Resources, Enrollment, Student Affairs, Communications and Marketing, Advancement, and Legal Affairs/General Counsel.
AGB Search has conducted 375+ searches for Presidents and Chancellors of higher education institutions. We are experts at guiding institutions through the complex search process and assisting institutions in carrying out a smooth transition.
“AGB Search offered a well-developed network of connections in higher education which helped develop a pool of well-qualified candidates.”
“Best interview process I have been through or heard about. Communicative. Direct. Open.”
“The board members are still talking about the retreat. You certainly opened our minds and hearts. We became better directors just because of the retreat. Your guidance was right on.”
AGB Search offers search services exclusively for higher education institutions. Our expertise and affiliation with AGB afford us an unmatched understanding of the qualifications critical for effective higher education leadership.
Our Executive Search Consultants have extensive experience in higher education search, and many have served in college and university leadership positions.
Diversity is a hallmark of all aspects of our firm, as well as the searches we support. We seek candidates and nominations who reflect the full diversity of campuses and their communities today.
Melissa K. Trotta
Associate Managing Principal and Senior Vice President for Client Development